The Third International Workshop on Mining and Learning from Smartphones Apps
In conjunction with the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2020)
Paper Submission: July 6, 2020
Smartphone applications (abbr. apps) are ubiquitous in our daily life. Abundant apps provide useful services in almost every aspect of modern life. Easy to download and often free, apps can be fun and convenient for playing games, getting turn-by-turn directions, and accessing news, books, weather, and more. Apps on smartphones can be considered as the entry point to access everyday life services such as communication, shopping, navigation, and entertainment. Since a smartphone is linked to an individual user, apps in smartphones can sense users’ behavior and activities.
Researchers can use smartphone apps to record users’ personal history data, and use the data to analyze apps and understand users. In this workshop (AppLens 2020), we bring researchers together with an interest in understanding users from their use of smartphone apps (e.g., interests, personality, and life routines), discovering cultural and social phenomenon (e.g., social event detection) through analyzing app usage, recognizing app usage behaviors (e.g., app overuse detection), studying smartphone apps (e.g., app categorization and app popularity prediction), and user privacy issues. We want researchers to share their experiences, success and frustrations on conducting research in such topics so as to capture a state-of-art on theories, models, and methodologies that cope with these challenges.
We are opening two app datasets to look for novel contributions in this research field. This workshop will include paper sessions, invited talks, a panel session, and Best paper award. Moreover, we will select a few accepted papers to be extended and published in a prestigious journal special issue.
We are opening two app datasets on AppLens 2020. The submissions are not limited to the ones based on the provided datasets. The researchers can also make submissions based on other app related datasets.The dataset does not contain any personally identifying information. If you have any question about the datasets, please feel free to contact Yong Li (liyong07 AT The datasets include:
The workshop fosters discussions covering methodologies and tools, theories and models, design, descriptions or analysis in the topics such as (but not limited to):
The goal of the workshop is to gather a community that focuses on mining and learning from smartphone apps. We provide a platform for participants both in academia and industry that are interested in the topics.
We welcome both of regular (up to 8 pages) and short (up to 4 pages) paper contributions submitted as PDF files. We also encourage submissions of work-in-progress papers.
The template can be downloaded here: ACM requires submissions to use the ACM SIGCHI Master Article template with 2 columns. Latex documents should use the "sigchi" template style. Word users should use the interim template downloadable from the the link above.
Submissions can be made at (On the submissions tab, select SIGCHI society and UbiComp 2020 conference. Then the submission track of UbiComp 2020 Workshop - AppLens2020 will appear.)
All submitted papers will be reviewed and judged on originality, technical correctness, relevance, and quality of presentation by the Program Committee. All accepted submissions must be presented during the workshop. Papers will be given a total of 25 minutes including questions (we suggest you reserve 3-5 minutes for questions).
The accepted papers will be published in the UbiComp 2020/ISWC Adjunct Proceedings, which will be included in the ACM Digital Library. The extended versions of selected workshop papers will be published in a journal special issue after the workshop.
The Best Paper Award is given to the best paper presented at the AppLens 2020 workshop, to acknowledge and encourage excellence in research. The awardee will be presented with a certificate and a monetary award at the workshop.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact or
Sha Zhao is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University. Contact her at
Yong Li is a Associate Professor with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. Contact him at
Sasu Tarkoma is a Professor and Head the Department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki. Contact him at
Zhiwen Yu is a Professor and vice dean in the School of Computer Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University. Contact him at
Anind Dey is a Professor and Dean of the Information School, University of Washington. Contact him at
Gang Pan is a Professor with the College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University. Contact him at
To be decided